1 - Corrections

  • 5036 - Punctual failure in the number of agents inserted in the team has been fixed;
  • 5160 - Punctual failure in date format in reports generated via API has been fixed;
  • 5162 - Punctual failure in the transfer due to the attempt limit located in the service flow has been fixed;
  • 5212 - Punctual failure that duplicated messages after updating a conversation on the Webchat channel has been fixed;
  • 5390 - Failure that prevented some messages from reaching the contact has been fixed;
  • 5425 - Punctual failure in the downloaded media extent in report has been fixed;
  • 5502 - Failure in using the anchor component in the service flow has been fixed;
  • 5507 - Failure when viewing the conversation history on the agent screen has been fixed;
  • 5711 - Adjustments of requests on Facebook and WhatsApp hubs has been made;
  • 5749 - Failure in batch shipment has been fixed